UANYCHM2020 Week 12
Fifty four days until race!
- W12D1: 1.5mi very easy; drills + 3x strides; 6x 0.5mi @ 7:05/mile + 2:00 jog rest; 1.5mi very easy
- W12D2: 5.0mi @ 8:52/mile
- W12D3: 1.5mi very easy; drills + 3x strides; 2x 2.0mi @ 7:41/mile + 2:00 jog rest; 1.5mi very easy
- W12D4: 10.0mi @ 8:52/mile
W12D1 Speed session was a good example of blowing up. I struggled towards rep 5, 6, having to take an extra 30 secs rest in between. In rep 6 the safety pin went off by accident interrupting my pace. I didn't feel very good at the end so I skipped the 1.5 mile cool down. I was glad to have completed the 6 reps though because mentally I was done after rep 3...

W12D2 Easy 5 miler turned into 6 miler.

W12D3 Easy 4 because it was super late and I had to get up early Saturday to drive to Hunter Mountain. We had a mini Tet celebration for dinner so my training session was super late. I will do the Threshold workout next week (13) instead.

W12D4 Long run didn't happen since I was snowboarding on Saturday and morning Sunday. Though it wasn't a long run, I supposed the activity still counted for something. Plus my body was sore from all the falling. This was my first snowboarding since 8+ years ago. Not to mentioned I only snowboarded once, skied twice back then.

Earlier in the week (Wed) I successfully signed up for the Popular Brooklyn Half Marathon in mid-May (without doing the virtual series, which I did last year!) Their server was down between 12-3pm, which caused a lot of confusion/anger on the Twitter-verse. Race timing is good because it is 2 weeks before my Half Ironman, perfect running tune-up. Speaking of Ironman I need to swim more...